Saturday, 19 October 2013

Update after Discharge

Well, the headline news is that all has gone extremely well ("textbook" operation) and both Tim and I are fine. I knew that things had gone OK when he was wheeled into Recovery beside me with this enormous bag full of urine attached to his bed.  His creatinine was measured at less than 200 immediately after the op and he told me that he had NEVER known it that low before - it was above 200 when he was first diagnosed six years ago and was about 400 before the op.  It was down at 140 at the last count which was, apparently, less than mine which was 154!

I was mobile by Thursday afternoon and then was discharged on Friday at around 1pm, exactly 48 hours after being taken from the operating theatre to the recovery area; I don't think this could have happened more speedily - even the most optimistic guess beforehand was for a Friday late afternoon discharge, with Saturday being more likely. I have had a couple of bad night's sleep but there has been remarkably little pain or discomfort, and a lot of mobility has already been restored (but I AM still being careful).

We are now spending a few days with Duncan (next elder brother) and Diana. They live less than 30 minutes from the hospital and he happens to be a retired GP, so the hospital knew that I would be in good hands with Jane and Duncan around.  Nevertheless the Renal Team emphasised that I should contact them or even just turn up AT ANY TIME if I had any issues at all.  I am scheduled to see the surgeon and have a few tests on Tuesday; if all is fine then I will return to home in the countryside, and be in the care of my local transplant centre.

In the next few days I intend to tell a more detailed story of my time in hospital but right now I would just like to express my thanks for the care I received in hospital; from the surgeon Sarah to the lovely Olga who served our meals, everyone was absolutely wonderful and I thank them from the bottom of my heart. 

Both Tim and I have been amazed at the support given from friends all over the place. It is truly humbling to know that so many people are supporting you in prayer, and that support includes lots of people who I don't even know. We are so grateful for this and I am sure it has eased my path through this process.

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