Saturday, 14 June 2014

Routine Check-up

I was meant to have my routine check-up recently - six months after my last hospital check (at the Churchill) which was seven weeks after the operation.  This check was to be done at my GP's surgery by the practice nurse.  I have been absolutely fine since leaving hospital, so was not expecting any surprises.

I duly arrived at the surgery early on a Friday and was quickly called in by the health care assistant (HCA) - a good start which didn't last! She asked me what she could do for me? I said it was a check as per the letter on my file - I hadn't seen this letter but knew it simply said "please check his renal function" as I had checked that they had the letter when I made my appointment. So she took my blood pressure and then produced a needle, put it in my left elbow and took precisely one blood sample.  I said "just one?" and she said "yes that's all. All finished". Hmmm.  On the way home I realised that she hadn't even taken a urine sample.  Something wrong here.

The next Monday I had an appointment to see the doctor on a small unrelated matter.  As I was about to go I told him about Friday.  He took a look at my file and quickly admitted that she had wasted my time - the one sample had been sent for a report on my liver function!  "Let's start again" he said.  So it was back to reception for more appointments;  they said "how about ten minutes time?" which really surprised me.  So, ten minutes later, I was sat in the same seat as Friday with the same HCA who then seemed to have a much better idea of what was required, but failed to acknowledge that she has seen me very recently!

She then proceeded to do the worst job I have ever known of putting a needle in the crook of my left elbow.  As she put it in, I had what seemed to me to be an electric shock in my thumb; I've had at least three mains electric shocks in my time so I know what it feels like.  She had clearly stuffed the needle into a nerve!  I exclaimed that it felt like an electric shock, but she made no apology and added insult to injury by just saying "you moved - I'll have to do it again!!" As a result I now have a bruise measuring 5cm x 3cm in the crook of my left arm.

It got worse.  The doctor had also specified that I should also have a test for cholesterol, which necessitates fasting beforehand, so this was arranged for the Wednesday.  So, first thing Wednesday, I was seated there again with the same HCA and she asked for my left arm.  "I don't think so" I said, offering my arm with its worsening bruise.  She failed to acknowledge her part in this, and proceeded to insert a needle in my right arm; I now have a bruise in the same place on BOTH arms, and I had bruised only once in 12 or 15 blood tests in the last two years.

To my surprise my results appeared on PatientView by Thursday night: the important one is my creatinine which was 126 (eGFR 53), which I'm quite happy with.  I don't understand why they did that test on bloods on both days as it's always going to give a misleading result when I've been fasting (144/45 for the record).  Yes, my cholesterol was a bit high as well...

I have spoken to the practice manager about the failure of a doctor to specify the required tests, and also on the poor skills and lack of sympathy demonstrated by the HCA. This does NOT bode well for the future.

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